Trezor Hardware Wallet (Official) - The Most Advanced Hardware Wallet

Trezor hardware wallet have become iconic in the industry and pair well with popular wallet apps like MetaMask. The appeal is the open-source firmware and fine control you have over your device, including the ability to install modified firmware. Trezor’s suite itself seems limited if you’re accustomed to Ledger Live and its assortment of ...This hardware wallet is exclusively secured and ensures that your crypto funds are kept hidden under protection as and when a cyber-crook tries to tamper with it. The best part of using the Trezor Wallet is that you would not have to keep your crypto wealth exposed to the possibility of online threats. To use the service, you will have to acquire a wallet device, go online and create a wallet account via the official Trezor portal. It would help you transfer your crypto from an online location to an offline wallet device. And now, for setting up your wallet, here’s what you’d have to do:

  1. Unbox the wallet device package and connect it to your in-use computer.
  2. You will be able to connect both devices by using the USB cable.
  3. Use your computer to get into the website link.
  4. Install the Chrome extension for the wallet service or the Trezor Bridge.
  5. Ensure getting the latest firmware installed.
  6. Go on to reconnect the Trezor device and set up a security PIN for it.
  7. Keep up with the prompts on both the website and the wallet device.